April 1

April 1st, 2007

Today was an interesting day. Friday was my day off and I didn’t get in nearly as much training yesterday as I had anticipated. So I wanted to make the most of today. I decided to go over to North Van for a bit, hit some of the hills then go over the Second Narrows bridge and into Burnaby. Well, about half way through North Van, I somehow skated onto the course of a triathlon! All of a sudden I was surrounded by guys on bikes flying past me! As I was trying to get out of their way I clipped the back wheel of one rider. Fortunately he didn’t fall, but when my foot hit his wheel I felt a weird snap in my ankle. To make a long story short, I have a cracked bone and torn ligaments. It is with deep regret that I’m going to have to postpone the Skate For Hope until the Spring of 2008. Thanks you everyone for your support.

Oh, and I should also mention…April Fools!


Training was great today. I did actually go over to North Van and across the Second Narrows bridge (which, by the way, is not the most ‘rollerblade-friendly’ bridge in the city). The path over the bridge was very rough, wet, dirty and narrow. I think I’ll be avoiding that one from now one.


Once I got into Burnaby, I noticed a dark cloud overhead and felt a few light drops of rain. As I turned towards Vancouver to head home I saw what looked like white cherry blossoms falling in the breeze. To my dismay it wasn’t cherry blossoms… it was hail! Now I can say I’ve been training in everything from sun to rain to wind to hail. Luckily the hail only lasted 5-10 minutes and the sun came back out.


For some reason I decided to follow Hastings St back into Vancouver. I know East Van can be sketchy, but I couldn’t see any problems in the middle of the day. But the closer to Main St I got, the more uncomfortable I felt. When I finally saw a guy sitting on the ground putting a needle in his arm, I decided to change streets.


I made it all the way home with no problem. It was a good session and worked out to be around 35-40 km.

Posted in Daily Journal | 2 Comments »


2 Responses to “April 1”

  1. Mom Says:

    All I can say is that you are such a little “ass”!!! April Fools to you too. After that 1st paragraph, my blood pressure went down to normal but now is back up!! ha, ha Thanks a lot you little twerp!!

  2. Jewels Says:

    eh hemmmmm NOT FUNNY!

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